
For staff mobility to be admitted, there should exist a Inter-institutional agreement between VSMVVP and your university. The sending institution is responsible for organizing the administrative process and also for paying the Erasmus grant to the visiting staff at VSMVVP. 
If you are planning to realize STT:
1) contact directly International Office to make enquieries about the possibility and timing of the visit
2) contact head of department in your field of study/interest in VSMVVP
3) make sure that you are familiar with the Erasmus programme Teaching Assignment rules
4) fill and sign properly Staff Mobility for Teaching agreement incomingStaff mobility agreementteaching.doc (124 kB)
5) send document to International office Assistant at
6) wait for confirmation and acceptance of your stay
If you are planning to realize STA:
1) contact directly International Office to make enquieries about the possibility and timing of the visit
2) fill and sign properly Staff Mobility for Training agreement incomingStaff mobility agreement training.doc (121,5 kB)
3) send document to International office Assistant at
4) wait for confirmation and acceptance of your stay